$1.19 Update! – to Make a Difference!- Running for a cure!


Final Update…wrapping up fundraising for this year for LLS and cancer research!

Fundraising Total:  $6,187.19  which is $1.19 more than any previous year in 8 years of fundraising.  Woohoo!

Thanks so much for all your help…the donations and the support…from me and all of our Honorees!

Our recent donors included: Becky Ohm and the staff and customers at The Flying Joe, Roger and Kristin Davenport and the employees of K & R Auto Repair, Sheryl and Terry Losey and the customers at Outstanding Nutrition, Scott Lewis, Kevin and Monica Drouillard, Frank Cody for a second donation towards the Buck a Mile for the Oil Creek 100, Jenn Starr and Peggy Masters and the staff and customers of Maumee Quick Print, John Frank and the staff and customers at the Heatherdowns Branch of Key Bank, and a final thank you to Bill McConnel owner of Dunright Building Services for his pledge of the last $250 “to get us over the top and give us something to shoot for next year!”  Thank you Bill!!

Thanks again to all of our previous donors:  Dave Large and his fellow employees at Bolt Express, Dave Schlaudecker for a second donation, Martha Lewis for a second donation, and a huge donation from Steve Grindle and the staff and members of Champion Credit Union, Stacy Warren, Bob Bethel, Ruthellen Ondrus, Bonnie Kimpling-Kelly, Frank Cody, Judy Kehrle, George Brymer, Dana Zanville, and Doug Hartman, Joe Erard, Jennifer Smirnoff-Poling, Scott and Betsy Saneholtz, Jim Veller, Sean Thomas and the Employees at Axis Engineering, Dan Robertson, Jennifer Starr, Joel Salazar, Gary Ehrmin, Darlene Lorenzen, Frank Cody, and Deb Chany and Dr’s Jeff and Rachel Elmore, Matt Folk, John Frank, Debby Peters, Honoree George Evanoff, Kathy Pigott, Brendon Matthews, Honoree Karen Landis, James Hunt, Martha Lewis, and Mike and Shannon Irmen, Honoree Carol Haddix, Pam Weirauch, Michelle Marentette-Hermanutz, Shelley Foos, Michelle Ansara, Tom Spy, Violet Stoycheva, Kevin Simpson, Honoree Rodney Cundiff, Jenn Wenzke, Honoree Andrea Loch, and Deb Yeagle.

I think that is everyone.  If I missed anyone, I sincerely apologize.  Thank you All!  A Big Woohoo! to each of you!

Honoree Update:
Friend and Honoree George Evanoff is recovering from his surgery last week.  He is doing well.  My sister Elizabeth is past her last chemo treatment and going strong.  Both of them are tough and relentless…my inspiration.  Please keep all of our Honorees in your thoughts and prayers.  Thanks so much!

Finally, thank you from the bottom of my heart for another successful year of fundraising.  Thank you for helping fight the good fight.  I appreciate each and every one of you and all of your kind words and support throughout the year.  I couldn’t have done it without you!  It’s been another incredible year…3 events, our Honorees having their ups and downs and adding so many new ones, and it was inspiring with so many donors stepping up…I can’t say it enough…thank you all so much!

For You…An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand

Run Steady, Run Strong!

Oil Creek 100 Update! – to Make a Difference!- Running for a cure!

OC 100 for a Cure!
OC 100 for a Cure!

It’s a long read… :-)

Oil Creek 100 is in the bag…all 100 Miles!
Race went well…31 hours!…

The race is 3 loops on a 31 mile trail and then 7 more miles on a “heading home” loop.

The first loop started at 5:00 am in the dark.  We run with headlamps to light the way for about 2 hours until the sun comes up.  The trail was in good shape, temperature was around 45 degrees, near perfect!  I kept a good steady comfortable pace trying not to over do it…save my energy for the later miles to come.  Had only one slip down a hill at a stream crossing where I pretty much spun around about 3 times before catching myself!  Finished the first loop in about 8 hours, 31 miles…felt pretty good still!

My Crew Chief, Jennifer Starr, was there at two of the four aid stations around the loop to make sure I ate something, hydrated, and had all the right equipment when I needed it.  This was Jenn’s third time crewing for me so she really knows what to do and when and she was a huge help here at OC!

Second loop went (mostly) well too…62 miles  Slowed down a bit, 9 hours total I think, and had only one mishap…hit a mud patch and lost my shoe!  Tried to keep my balance and put my left hand and glove right into the mud all the way up to my elbow and then put my right foot and sock deep into the muck too!  Crap!!  Went back and had to pull my shoe out of the mud with two hands…now I had a wet glove, two wet shoes and one wet sock!!  Found a dry spot to sit down, wiped all the muck off as best I could, put the shoe back on and got to running again…and I had about 9 miles to go in wet shoes and socks…”buck a mile” dammit!  Finished the loop  no worse for the wear, starting to get tired and cold (the sun had gone down already)…and grumpy…this is when Jenn has to snap at me to eat something…and eat more…blood sugar and electrolytes start to get out of whack and I don’t want to eat…so, she makes me eat and rest for a bit…and she reminds me why I am out there…for a cure!  That helped a lot!

Headed out for the third loop…another runner, Gary, was heading out too…sort of..he was talking to his wife and he looked like he was hurting…he had a huge blister on his foot and he was in pain and tired.  I could tell he didn’t want to go back out…I didn’t want to go either…I asked if he was alright, was he hurting…he said he had the blister…I said come on, you can do it, I’ll stay with you for a while…so he came.  We walked and talked and headed down the trail…he got it going and was ok after a bit and said I could go ahead…so I did.  I felt stronger too and I was glad I had said something to him back at the aid station.

The next 15 miles got tougher.  The temperature was dropping pretty quickly, 28 degrees, it was 1 or 2 or 3 am, not sure, I was getting slower…and hungry but my stomach kept getting upset…I just tried to keep it moving…buck a mile Baby!  I kept thinking about my sister and her chemo last Thursday.  I don’t know what to do for her, “sorry hope you feel better” just doesn’t seem to cut it…so I kept running and tried not to think about running…just a cure…then I fell, stepped into a hole which caught my leg and I went straight down and jammed my wrist…shit!  That hurt!  I sat there for a minute, pulled my leg out of the hole, straightened out my wrist…got going again.

Got to mile 84, the third aid station, 9 miles before the end of the loop…several really big hills to climb after this…I was freezing cold, teeth chattering, legs hurting, getting hard to think straight, feeling all alone even with the volunteers there who were trying to help…wanted to quit…and then Gary was there…he had caught up…he asked me if I was ok!…and that woke me up a bit.  Thank you Gary!

Got it going again to finish the third loop, 93 miles…the sun came up, everything started to warm up and I was feeling better…talked to Gary a bit as we were finishing the loop together…He told me this was his first attempt at a 100 mile race…I told him about how this is my fundraiser for cancer research…then he told me about his daughter being diagnosed with Melanoma a few years ago, luckily they removed it early, and she is now fine and doing well.  I was glad we got to talk.

The last 7 miles came and went and were just a little annoying…after 93, they are the toughest mentally!…I was so glad to be crossing the finish line and to be done…total relief!  All 100 miles Baby!

Thanks to everyone for following my FB posts, all the encouraging comments and support helped a ton! And the “buck a mile” mantra worked real well! Thanks so much!

Donor Update – We are getting there!
Thanks to this weekend’s donors Jimmy Gnass, Ryan and Mia Leone, and “buck a mile” pledges from Dave Schlaudecker and Kimberly Hasapes! Thank you so very much!

With donations already in and pledges and checks on the way, we are up to about $ 4,751! That’s almost 48% of our huge goal of $ 10,000! We have a couple of weeks to get all our donations in still. So, if you haven’t donated yet, there is still time! Woohoo!

You can donate online at:  http://pages.teamintraining.org/noh/RoadRun14/ealewis
If you want to send a check…make it out to:  LLS…and mail it to me at: 3936 Elmhurst Road, Toledo, OH 43613

Thanks to all of our donors and pledges so far:
Stacy Warren, Bob Bethel, Ruthellen Ondrus, Bonnie Kimpling-Kelly, Frank Cody, Judy Kehrle, George Brymer, Dana Zanville, and Doug Hartman, Martha Lewis, Joe Erard, Jennifer Smirnoff-Poling, Scott and Betsy Saneholtz, Jim Veller, Sean Thomas and the Employees at Axis Engineering, Dan Robertson, Jennifer Starr, Joel Salazar, Gary Ehrmin, Darlene Lorenzen, Frank Cody, and Deb Chany and Dr’s Jeff and Rachel Elmore, Matt Folk, John Frank, Debby Peters, Honoree George Evanoff, Kathy Pigott, Brendon Matthews, Honoree Karen Landis, James Hunt, Martha Lewis, and Mike and Shannon Irmen, Honoree Carol Haddix, Pam Weirauch, Michelle Marentette-Hermanutz, Shelley Foos, Michelle Ansara, Tom Spy for an awesome pledge, Violet Stoycheva, Kevin Simpson, Honoree Rodney Cundiff, Jenn Wenzke, Honoree Andrea Loch, and Deb Yeagle.

Thanks to these business owners and their employees and customers in advance for helping through the Blood Drop Campaign:
Maumee Quick Print – Peggy Masters and Jennifer Starr
Champion Credit Union – Steve Grindle and the CCU Staff
Laura’s Framing Place – Laura Osborne
Dunright Building Services – Bill McConnel
Outstanding Nutrition – Sheryl and Terry Losey
The Flying Joe – John and Becky Ohm
K&R Auto Repair – Kristin and Roger Davenport
Verizon Wireless – Chad Brogan
Key Bank – John Frank

 Thank you everyone!  Every little bit helps…we are getting there!

Help us reach our fundraising goal so we can continue to fund cancer research…to make a difference…a world without cancer!

Please consider a donation.  We just have a few weeks left to get all of our donations in.  No amount is too small!  We need all the help we can get to fight the good fight.   You can donate online at:  http://pages.teamintraining.org/noh/RoadRun14/ealewis

If you want to send a check…make it out to:  LLS…and mail it to me at: 3936 Elmhurst Road, Toledo, OH 43613

Thank you!

Run Steady, Run Strong!

1 Day and 4 More Honorees – to Make a Difference!- Running for a cure!

Gonna get some miles this weekend!
Gonna get some miles this weekend!

Just 1 day to the Oil Creek 100! – to Make a Difference!
Tomorrow at o’dark 5:00 am… 100 miles straight…for the cause…for a cure!

Last update until I get back.  Follow me on FB during the race at: https://www.facebook.com/ernest.a.lewis
I should be able to post at key intervals, mile 31, 62, 93 and 100.

Honoree Update!
Our Honoree list is now at 171…we are adding Ken Miller, father of my friend Doug, and who is in James Cancer Center in Columbus and undergoing treatment for Leukemia.  We are adding Cheryl McNish, for friend Ruthellen Ondrus, and who lost her battle with cancer in August.  And, we are adding a friend of Debby Peters who has Leukemia but wishes to remain anonymous.  And, we are adding Kathy Erard, mother of my running buddy Joe Erard, and who has stage 2 breast cancer.  Prayers…and love and hugs for all of our Honorees!  :-)

If you have someone you love with cancer or lost to cancer, I would be honored to run for them.  Send me their name and their story and we will add them to our list.  They keep me going when the miles get tough!

Donor Update –
Thanks to donors Stacy Warren, Bob Bethel, Ruthellen Ondrus and Bonnie Kimpling-Kelly for their generous donations this week.  Big thanks to a couple more “a buck a mile” pledges for the OC race…Frank Cody and Judy Kehrle!  Woohoo!  Thank you all!

Yep…that’s my mantra this weekend…”A buck a mile” for a cure…saying that a lot already! :-)

Help us reach our fundraising goal so we can continue to fund cancer research…to make a difference…a world without cancer!

Please consider a donation.  We just have a few weeks left to get all of our donations in.  No amount is too small!  We need all the help we can get to fight the good fight.   You can donate online at:  http://pages.teamintraining.org/noh/RoadRun14/ealewis

If you want to send a check…make it out to:  LLS…and mail it to me at: 3936 Elmhurst Road, Toledo, OH 43613

Thank you!

Run Steady, Run Strong!

The Blue Line! – Running for a cure!

The Blue Line
The Blue Line

Akron Marathon is done!
I finished in 4:07… a bit slower than I wanted but I was all gung-ho and started too fast for the first 15, got dehydrated and struggled for the next 5, and had to walk jog the last 6 miles.  Then on Sunday I ran another 18 miles on really tired legs…crazy training!  Then I took a nap…a long nap!

Next up…Oil Creek 100 on October 11th!

One thing that makes the Akron Marathon interesting is the blue line that is actually painted on the road and traces the marathon course throughout the city.  When you are running, all you need to do is follow that blue line…and I kept thinking that we need a blue line…we need to draw the line on cancer!

Honoree Update – #165
We are adding Mary Ann Weir, friend of Sandy Gill, to our honoree list.  Mary Ann has Multiple Myeloma which is a difficult blood cancer that begins in the bone marrow and affects multiple sites in the body.

There have been many successes in treatment research for blood cancers with survival rates for many blood cancer patients having doubled, tripled and even quadrupled since 1960.  To date, LLS has invested more than $1 billion in research to advance therapies and save lives.

Read more here:  http://www.lls.org/#/aboutlls/researchsuccesses/

If you have someone you love with cancer or lost to cancer, I would be honored to run for them.  Send me their name and their story and we will add them to our list.  They keep me going when the miles get tough!

Donor Update –
Thanks to donors Sean Thomas and the Employees at Axis Engineering and friend Dan Robertson for their generous donations this week!  Thank you so much!

Help us reach our $10,000 fundraising goal so we can continue to fund cancer research…to make a difference…a world without cancer!

Please consider a donation.  We just have a few weeks left to get all of our donations in.  No amount is too small!  We need all the help we can get to fight the good fight.   You can donate online at:  http://pages.teamintraining.org/noh/RoadRun14/ealewis

If you want to send a check…make it out to:  LLS…and mail it to me at: 3936 Elmhurst Road, Toledo, OH 43613

Thank you!

Run Steady, Run Strong!

Akron…FINALLY! – Running for a cure!

changeyourheartSaturday morning is the Akron Marathon! 
My goal is to run strong and to finish 26.2 miles in 4:00 hours…(a test for the OC 100 coming in two weeks,) then another long run on Sunday…about 45 miles for the weekend!  This is my last long run weekend before OC…Hoorah!!  It’s gonna hurt a bit but it’s worth every step!

Thanks for all the emails and words of encouragement.  They help a lot!

Honoree Update –
My sister Elizabeth has been having quite a few rough days due to the chemo…she has severe anemia and that makes it hard to breathe, and she caught a cold on top of all that.  Really sucks!  She’s hanging in there though…she’s my inspiration big time…if you can, put in a prayer for her and for George and for Kathy and all of our Honorees!

Our Honoree list is at 164…list attached if you haven’t seen it before…prayers for all!  If you have someone you love with cancer or lost to cancer, I would be honored to run for them.  Send me their name and their story and we will add them to our list.  They keep me going when the miles get tough!

Donor Update –
We are at $2,580 and 26% of our $10,000 goal…a long ways to go!  We just have a few weeks left to get all of our donations in.  So, please consider making a donation today.  No amount is too small.  Help us fight the good fight!

Thank you for the recent generous donations from Jennifer Starr, Joel Salazar, Gary Ehrmin, Darlene Lorenzen, Frank Cody, and Deb Chany and Dr’s Jeff and Rachel Elmore and Add this to our previous donations from our wonderful donors… Matt Folk, John Frank, Debby Peters, Honoree George Evanoff, Kathy Pigott, Brendon Matthews, Honoree Karen Landis, James Hunt, Martha Lewis, and Mike and Shannon Irmen, Honoree Carol Haddix, Pam Weirauch, Michelle Marentette-Hermanutz, Shelley Foos, Michelle Ansara, Tom Spy for an awesome pledge, Violet Stoycheva, Kevin Simpson, Honoree Rodney Cundiff, Jenn Wenzke, Honoree Andrea Loch, and Deb Yeagle.

Thanks to these business owners and their employees and customers in advance for helping through the Blood Drop Campaign:
Maumee Quick Print – Peggy Masters and Jennifer Starr
Champion Credit Union – Steve Grindle and the CCU Staff
Laura’s Framing Place – Laura Osborne
Dunright Building Services – Bill McConnel
Outstanding Nutrition – Sheryl and Terry Losey
The Flying Joe – John and Becky Ohm
K&R Auto Repair – Kristin and Roger Davenport
Verizon Wireless – Chad Brogan

Thank you everyone!  Every little bit helps…we are getting there!  Woohoo!

It takes more than one person to make up a team and that’s why I’m asking you to consider donating!  Your donation will help fund treatments through LLS that save lives every day; like immune-therapies that use a person’s own immune system to kill cancer. Every single donation helps save a life with breakthrough therapies such as these!

I need your help to reach my $10,000 fundraising goal for cancer research!  Please consider a donation.  We need all the help we can get to fight the good fight.  Thank you!  You can donate online at:  http://pages.teamintraining.org/noh/RoadRun14/ealewis

If you want to send a check…make it out to:  LLS…and mail it to me at: 3936 Elmhurst Road, Toledo, OH 43613

Run Steady, Run Strong!

Word of the day: Optimism!

"Feeling determined!"
“Feeling determined!”

Happy Labor Day Weekend…hope you and yours enjoy a special one!

Training Update – Made it up to the Poto trail at Pinckney State Park yesterday for a long training run. It started out humid as all get out…my glasses kept fogging up!…and it got warm…I wrapped my knee just in case…and I got in a total of 32 miles with very little trouble. It was a good day! Feeling optimistic for the upcoming races in 4 weeks and 6 weeks especially the Oil Creek 100!

Honoree Update – My Sister Elizabeth is doing well….just had her third chemo this past Thursday (that part still sucks)…sent the attached picture…and says she is “feeling determined!” She has the Eye of the Tiger baby!

George is still waiting on tests to see if he qualifies for a trial. In the mean time, he’s visiting family and getting in a Packer’s football game! It’s football season!

Lots of optimism around here…I love it!

Donor Update –More donations have come in…thanks so much!  Big Woohoo! to our most recent generous donors Matt Folk and John Frank! Thank you so much!

Add this to our previous donations from … Debby Peters, Honoree George Evanoff, Kathy Pigott, Brendon Matthews, Honoree Karen Landis, James Hunt, Martha Lewis, and Mike and Shannon Irmen, Honoree Carol Haddix, Pam Weirauch, Michelle Marentette-Hermanutz, Shelley Foos, Michelle Ansara, Tom Spy for an awesome pledge, Violet Stoycheva, Kevin Simpson, Honoree Rodney Cundiff, Jenn Wenzke, long time Honoree Andrea Loch, and Deb Yeagle.

We are now at $2,030…which is 20% of our goal and more still pledged.  Every little bit helps…we are getting there!  Woohoo!

It takes more than one person to make up a team and that’s why I’m asking you to consider donating!  Your donation will help fund treatments through LLS that save lives every day; like immune-therapies that use a person’s own immune system to kill cancer. Every single donation helps save a life with breakthrough therapies such as these!

I need your help to reach my $10,000 fundraising goal for cancer research!  Please consider a donation.  We need all the help we can get to fight the good fight.  Thank you!  You can donate online at:  http://pages.teamintraining.org/noh/RoadRun14/ealewis

Or, if you want to send a check…make it out to: LLS…and mail it to me at: 3936 Elmhurst Road, Toledo, OH 43613

Run Steady, Run Strong!


37ish Finally and Flexi Toes! – Training Update

Flexing my toes!
Flexing my toes!

Training Update –
Finally got a good long run,37ish miles, at Pinckney State Park on the Potowatomi trail…felt great!  It got hot, was about 90% humidity, the skeeters were thick, knee still acted up, and my right quad kept cramping, but all of that was ok…got it done!

The best part was taking my shoes off at the end and flexing my toes…such a good feeling!  Blessed that I can enjoy so much…

We have less than 2 weeks till race day #1…The Eastern States 100… oh boy!

Honoree Update –
My sister Elizabeth is doing good…gets her next chemo treatment this week.  Took George to church last week, and he was as chipper as usual.  Both are hanging in there…they are tough as nails!

Donor Update –
Big Woohoo! to our generous donors…long time Honoree Carol Haddix who donates every year and friend Pam Weirauch with a generous pledge!  Thank you both!

Add this to our early donations from Shelley Foos, Michelle Ansara, Tom Spy for an awesome pledge, and Violet Stoycheva, Kevin Simpson, Honoree Rodney Cundiff, Jenn Wenzke, long time Honoree Andrea Loch, and Deb Yeagle and we are now at more than 7% of our goal!  Woohoo!

Thank you Everyone!

If you have a family member or friend with cancer or lost to cancer that I can run for, please send me their name and their story.  I would be honored to run for them!

It takes more than one person to make up a team and that’s why I’m asking you to consider donating!  Your donation will help fund treatments through LLS that save lives every day; like immune-therapies that use a person’s own immune system to kill cancer. Every single donation helps save a life with breakthrough therapies such as these!

I need your help to reach my $10,000 fundraising goal for cancer research!  Please consider a donation.  We need all the help we can get to fight the good fight.  Thank you!  You can donate at:  http://pages.teamintraining.org/noh/RoadRun14/ealewis

Run Steady, Run Strong!


Back to Poto! – Training Update

IMG_4028Quick Update on our fundraising efforts to support The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and cancer research:

Training Update – Back to Poto!
Last update, I was planning on a 40 miler up at Pinckney State Park…but that didn’t work out as planned. My knee started acting up the day before so I split the run over 2 days to give my knee a break…been working hard at staying healthy for race day…all of them! It seems to be better now so this coming weekend we will try it again and we’ll keep it slow and steady on the trails.

We’re less than 3 weeks away from race #1, the Eastern States 100…gettin’ nervous already! I thank friend Kevin Simpson for sending this along with his donation: Isaiah 40:28-31 “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – That’s pretty powerful, thank you Kevin!

Honoree Update –
My sister Elizabeth is a bit anemic and tired from the chemo but doing well. She said she feels tired and hollow and light…so I told her to be careful to not float away when she takes a nap. :-)

George is getting another round of chemo this week and is pretty well bald…and still as positive as always! He’s waiting for more tests to see if he qualifies for an experimental treatment…please keep him in your prayers!

Donor Update –
Big Woohoo! to our generous donors…friends Shelley Foos, and Michelle Ansara, and to Tom Spy for an awesome pledge of 50 cents per mile that I race…all 226.2 miles!…which makes me want to add a few more races to the list! Add this to our early donations from Violet Stoycheva, Kevin Simpson, Honoree Rodney Cundiff, Jenn Wenzke, long time Honoree Andrea Loch, and Deb Yeagle and we are now at more than 6% of our goal!  Woohoo!

Thank you Everyone!

If you have a family member or friend with cancer or lost to cancer that I can run for, please send me their name and their story.  I would be honored to run for them!

It takes more than one person to make up a team and that’s why I’m asking you to consider donating!  Your donation will help fund treatments through LLS that save lives every day; like immune-therapies that use a person’s own immune system to kill cancer. Every single donation helps save a life with breakthrough therapies such as these!

I need your help to reach my $10,000 fundraising goal for cancer research!  Please consider a donation.  We need all the help we can get to fight the good fight.  Thank you!  You can donate at:  http://pages.teamintraining.org/noh/RoadRun14/ealewis

Run Steady, Run Strong!


In or Out on the Potawatomi?! – Training Update

IMG_4028Quick Update on our fundraising efforts to support The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and cancer research:

 Training Update – In or Out on the Potawatomi?!
Last weekend, I got up to Pinckney State Park in MI and ran part of the Potawatomi trail…it’s hilly, rocky and rooty…with about 2000 feet of elevation change… and just 16 miles of it kicked my ass!!  Running friends have talked about “Poto” for years but I never found the time to check it out…part of the reason being, I love to stay in my comfort zone.  That’s good and fine but the Eastern States 100 is going to be the toughest race I’ve ever run…only 30 days away!… and then I have the Oil Creek 100 a few weeks later… So, I asked myself “Am I IN or OUT of my comfort zone and how’s that working for me?”  I have definitely been IN my comfort zone running only local trails … and the races coming up are going to be really tough!  So it’s time to get OUT of my comfort zone!

This weekend, I’m doing a 40ish mile training run on the much tougher Poto trail…upping my game!  Woohoo!  Send more good vibes for strong legs!  :-)

Honoree Update –
Attached is a pic of my sister Elizabeth getting her first chemo session today…hooked to an IV bag and all smiles!  That’s my Sis!  She has 5 more of these coming and she’s going after it heart and soul!  Please keep her in your prayers!  Cancer patients have no choice but to get their treatments…to get ”out of their comfort zones” for weeks, months and even years… 40ish miles is nothing…and so I run for them!

Donor Update –
Big Woohoo! to our generous donors…friends Violet Stoycheva and Kevin Simpson and Honoree Rodney Cundiff along with our early donors Jenn Wenzke, long time Honoree Andrea Loch, and Deb Yeagle!  We are now at 5% of our goal!  Woohoo!

I’ll be thinking of you and all of our Honorees …162 to date…all day Saturday at Poto.  You guys keep me going!

If you have a family member or friend with cancer or lost to cancer that I can run for, please send me their name and their story.  I would be honored to run for them!

It takes more than one person to make up a team and that’s why I’m asking you to donate!  Your donation will help fund treatments through LLS that save lives every day; like immune-therapies that use a person’s own immune system to kill cancer. Every single donation helps save a life with breakthrough therapies such as these!

I need your help to reach my $10,000 fundraising goal for cancer research!  Please consider a donation.  We need all the help we can get to fight the good fight.  Thank you!  You can donate at:  http://pages.teamintraining.org/noh/RoadRun14/ealewis

Finally, along with his donation Rodney sent this:  “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” – Proverbs 27:17…thank you Rodney for your inspiration and thank you all for all of your support!

Run Steady, Run Strong!

Training Update – Stop Thinking About It!

Me Dave and Joe
Me Dave and Joe

Hope your  4th of July weekend is going great! Quick update on my 50 mile July 4th training run…great weather led to some great miles on Friday!

I ran the Scout Trail at Oak Openings in Northwest Ohio with a couple of running friends, Dave and Joe…Dave is also getting ready to run the Eastern States 100 on August 16th and Joe is going to be doing the Oil Creek 100k on October 11th.  Big stuff coming up for everyone!

Dave and Joe both had a good run with Dave doing 45 in just over 9 hours and Joe putting in 30 at a fast pace.  My run was decent…I was shooting for 10-12 hours, nice and easy, and finished in 10:40…right in the zone.

The trail was awesome!  Saw a buck, a snake, a black squirrel, a gazillion brown squirrels, smelled a skunk (glad I missed him), heard a turkey, crossed paths with half a dozen horse back riders, and there were a lot of people out at the park celebrating the holiday with their families.  It was nice!

Yesterday was a good long rest day and today I am running a bit more to loosen up the legs and then it’s time for hill work!  I love hills (not really!)

Felt like quitting a couple of times when my quads were getting tight and causing my knee to act up and especially when it got warm…but here’s the trick that works the best for me…stop thinking about it!…I tuck those negative thoughts into the back of my mind, just push ’em aside, and keep going…because the legs get stronger only if you work through the discomfort…

For Liz and George and all our Honorees!  That’s what matters…no quit!

Please consider a donation for LLS and cancer research.  We need all the help we can get to fight the good fight.  Thank you!

You can donate at:  http://pages.teamintraining.org/noh/RoadRun14/ealewis

Run Steady, Run Strong!